Flora - the world of plants

I am as fascinated by the diversity and beauty of plant life as I am by animals. When roaming through meadows or hiking through forests, there is always something new to discover. The floral splendor in particular makes my heart beat faster. My macro shots nicely capture the delicate aesthetics of plants. I want to encourage people to take a closer look at the nature right outside their doors. Often, tremendously complex beauty hides in seemingly common plants. My goal is to reveal the uniqueness of flora and thus awaken an appreciation for nature. Documenting the nuances of the plant world in all its facets is a fulfilling task for me.

Note: All photographs that you see on this website and on my Instagram & Facebook pages can be ordered through the shop. You can not find your desired motif? No problem!
Just send us a screenshot of the image to info@tamm-photography.com along with a brief description of your request. We are happy to assist you!

